Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tropical Harmony Erhu Ensemble

Singapore Chinese paper Zaobao (早报) wrote an article on the 20th February 2011 on Tropical Harmony Ensemble - which is made up of Japanese erhu ladies learning erhu at Eason Music Pte Ltd.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

U double bass flute by Xie Bin

There is a new flute in town.

It is a mega, huge, long double bass flute. Too log that you have to curve it into a U shape else you will not be able to reach with your hands.

It comes with 2 dimo hole instead of one.

The fingering is similar to that of a Xiao instead of the dizi.

Here's how it sounds:

Priced at US$329 each. Available keys are C and D. Shipping worldwide costs US$22.

Please email if you are interested.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pirastro Red Dragon Erhu Strings

We just listed Pirastro Red Dragon Erhu Strings on our online store.

If you are not sure what to buy, take a look at this blog post:

They are very good sounding strings and easy on the fingers.